Friday, October 12, 2012

Our Declaration of Independance



     The Orderly Utopian Society wishes to break ties with the rest of the world. We do this to form a society that lacks the corruption and problems of the outside world. The world that we lived in was becoming evil and angry. There was wrong choices being made left and right. People were losing important human values. The government was becoming corrupt and raising taxes. In doing this the government was destroying society that the people liked and approved. We form this society to escape the world and all of its problems.


    In our society there will be changes to the way of life we were used to. These are a list of major changes in our society.




  • Abolish taxes

  • Use solar power as to not deplete our natural resources

  • Eliminate stress

  • Made everyone equal

  • Give people more freedom

  • Lowered responsibilty

  • Every part of the society is organized

  • Each person is promised a base amount of opportunity

  • Safety from verbal and physical and cyber abuse

  • Sanitary environment

  • Daily life is structured and functional

  • Three sectors are in place for each part of life



These changes and more will conribute to our seperation and diferention from the world. This is why the motto for our society is strength, courage, and family.

1 comment:

  1. I like that you give your people freedom and an equal chance in your society
