Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Governing body

     The government of the Orderly Utopian Society is a controlling government. the government is run by three dictators. Each dictator is in control of their own sector. We feel that this way no one can feel stressed toward making the wrong choice. even though our government is run by three dictators, we feel it is fair and just. Each citizen will receive a weekly balance of credits so no one will be able to steal.
     Every weekday, our population wakes up at a regulated time to insure a restful sleep while also waking early enough to be productive for the rest of the day. Throughout the day everything is scheduled down to mealtimes and bedtimes. The reason our government is so controlling is because we don’t want room for error. The reason for stress is the fear of making the wrong choice. By taking away the possibility of making the wrong decision, people will be able to live much better lives. 
     The government is run by three dictators. We three dictators are the creators of the world you now live in. We knew the world as it was and know how to fix it. Everything we do is with our citizens in mind. In the old world, people weren’t happy, that is why the old world failed. Our world was made to make people happy and to keep them happy. We are very educated on the matter of a perfect society so our society is the greatest society in history.
There are three sectors that make up our society, Alpha, Beta and Omega. Alpha is the work sector, everyone commutes to alpha every weekday morning to go to work. Omega is the housing sector, this is where everyone lives and stays at nights or holidays. Beta is the shopping/recreational sector, this is where citizens go to shop for needs and to relax after work and in the weekends. These three sectors are separated because mixing them all together would create jealousy and chaos. everyone would want the houses closest to Beta and farthest from Alpha.
     In our society, each and every citizen over the age of eighteen will receive a weekly balance of credit. The amount of credits depends on the importance of the job. The more important the job is, the more credits you get. The reason we use a credit system instead of a form of physical currency is so that no one is capable to steal. Credits are a computerized icon that represents one old American dollar.
     Our societies government is created from many different types of governments, such as the Greek and Roman civilizations. The ideas of our government come from the pursuit of happiness and complete serenity. Everything is done for a complex reason and if changed, will lead to the government collapsing. If the government stays intact then our society is expected to prosper for the rest of existence.   

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