Friday, October 12, 2012



Weekdays for the typical utopian worker. ( Tuesday through Friday. )

8:00 am - Morning alarm bell sounds.

8:00 am - 9:00 am - Get ready for work.

9:00 am - 5:00 pm - Work on appointed job.

12:30 pm - Lunch.

5:00 pm - 9:00 pm - Free time. ( You can be in your house or at a designated recreational zone. )

9:00 pm - Curfew.


Weekends for the typical utopian worker. ( Saturday through Monday. )


Saturday to Sunday - The citizens are allowed to go anywhere within the society boundaries

Monday 9:00 pm - Curfew.


  1. You should have put every hour of the day in the daily itinerary so it would it would have been more informational and people who want to go to the utopia can see what there day is going to be exactly but overall its very good.

  2. i think this is a great schedule for a utopian society. everything seems very orderly and precise. Great job!

  3. I like how we have the weeked to do what ever we wont !
