Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Lists of Rules


  • No violence

  • No illegal substances. Illegal substances can lead to violence.

  • No firearms. Firearms can lead to violence

  • No leaving the society without permission from one of the three sector leaders. Leaving the society because the outside world is too dangerous.

  • No contact with the outside world. The outside world will corrupt the minds of our people.

  • People cannot be found outside of their houses after curfew. Citizens need to keep an organized life

  • Kids will go to school until they are 18. All citizens need to be educated.

  • Everyone receives a magic eight balls with good decisions on it for different situations. This will eliminate the need for citizens to make a difficult or strenious decision. They can use these if they cannot make a decision quickly.

  • No pets allowed. Pets can die leaving citizens in trauma. People also might be allergic to certain animals and we want this to be a hygenic area.

  • Each person will have 10 sick days and 10 personal days for their jobs. People may not need to use these but if they do they should not run out.

  • If you are cought breaking any two rules (excluding violence illegal substances, and firearms) in a one year period you will be banished from our society. These rules are important and should not be broken.


  1. These rules are very important and would help lead to a good society. I like how they highlight Violence rules as well as health rules.

  2. I think that these rules will certainly keep a well orginized peaceful society
